mardi 9 janvier 2007

Why me? Why Adempiere?

A few years ago, I have been called by an agency for an interesting IT position in the UK.

Agency: Are you available for some interesting IT contracting work for a Telecom operator?
Me: Yes why not. Where is this?
Agency: That's in Newcastle in England. Would that interest you?

So, I agreed on the phone for this position that looked interesting (Integrating Billing application for a large telco operator).

Once arrived to Newcastle from Belgium and started to ask around the directions to my company, nobody knew. Event most helpful gentlemen could not figure out the street on their maps.

The taxi driver goes: I don't know the name of this street this address. Can I see your postcode Sir?

Suddenly the Taxi man announces that Newcastle Under Lyme has nothing to do with Newcastle Upon Tyne (The famous Robin Hood and football teams). Apart from the first name, the address you should go to is in the midlands, not far from Liverpool, Birmigham...

I ended up in a country I don't know and after all these planes, I still had to travel hundreds miles.

I finally ended-up in Newcastle under lyme. This tiny village linked to Stoke on Trend where Robby Williams is apparently from and where the bus driver of early is same person you meet in the pub at evening time, along with people you've met in the only supermarket down the street.

You may wonder, what has this story to do with Adempiere?

I ended up in the Adempiere Open source ERP fever in a similar fashion. The only difference is that the trip was virtual through google!

Welcome, Bienvenu, Marhaba, bienvenidos, Ahlan wa Sahlan!

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