mardi 9 janvier 2007

The Adempiere show !

In the media world, reality show have been a major success. Big Brother here, Fame accademy there, Star Accademy in France captures millions of people's attention.

Yes, we're all curious to what other people do. When I am facing some situation, I always wonder what other people felt or did when they met this circumstances.

In the past months, I have been attempting to setup an ERP for my company. Backwards, then forwards, hesitating, giving up, taking back, decision making are events going along the chain.

At these moments, we want to share this feeling with others and see what they would do in such situation or another.

Anyway, in this Blog, I have decided to tell and share my love story with Open Source ERP.

People say love is a hope. I have been searching this Eldorado, this magic software that will solve all my current problems. This new promised life where, as a company manager, I just have to wake up in morning and press some buttons to make it all work in one go.

I might be wrong, just as we get wrong with lovers. But that's all life ! Live, Learn and pass it on.

Welcome to the Adempiere reality show starting on 09/11/2007 at 01:12 GMT+1 !

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